Does your child seem completely normal at first glance, but you still have a vague suspicion that something is wrong? Does the school call you that your child has repeatedly failed to attend classes? Does the child complain more and more often of nausea, headaches, vomiting before going to school? Begs you to stay home even though is fine? Tries to extend the period of illness as long as possible? Has the child's grades deteriorated? Is more irritable, showsh a negative attitude towards school? Do teachers complain about them and brings home notes? Has problems with sleeping, wakes up at night, or started urinating? All of this can result in truancy, or its causes.

Truancy is a serious problem that should not be trivialized. Behind it can be "only" a desire to experiment, to try something new, to experience adventure. In this case, it is usually only one or two episodes that are not repeated. But then there is repeated truancy and deliberate avoidance of the school environment. Behind such behavior may be the child's fear (of the behavior of classmates, teachers, bullying), inability to cope with high demands at school, or it may be the result of benevolent upbringing. If truancy is not dealt with in time, the child's problems continue to deepen and the child is increasingly stressed, which can have really far-reaching consequences.

What a psychologist can help you with:

-     Find out the cause of the child's behavior
-    Work with educational and teaching problems
-    Detect other possible psychological problems of the child
-    Work with unhealthy relationships
-    Improve communication between child and parents
-    Work on the rules and their compliance
-    The process of communication with the school
-    Help with bullying and other problems at school and the school team
-    Working with emotions
-    Work on parental competences and their improvement

The longer a child is out of school, the riskier their behavior can become. Therefore, do not wait long and contact an experienced child psychologist as soon as possible.

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Child psychologist


Mgr. Anita Tanušková

Bullying Learning difficulties School truancy Children addictions Self-harm Problems of adolescence Emotional development

The nearest dates: 23.02.2025

Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Mgr. et Mgr. Veronika Pavlisková

Bullying Autism ADHD ADD Learning difficulties School truancy Children addictions Childhood obesity Eating disorders Self-harm Asperger's syndrome Problems of adolescence Emotional development Cyberbullying Learning difficulties Reduced motivation to learn Early childhood development Separation anxiety Guidance before entering Kindergarten

The nearest dates: 11.03.2025

Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Ps Dámaris Sierra Guerra

Bullying School truancy Children addictions Childhood obesity Self-harm Problems of adolescence Emotional development

Currently busy

Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Mgr. Edina Kozmannová

Bullying School truancy Children addictions Self-harm

Currently busy

Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Mgr. Vendula Šild Vojtová

ADHD ADD Learning difficulties School truancy Children addictions Childhood obesity Eating disorders Self-harm Problems of adolescence Emotional development

Currently busy

Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


MA Gordana Mišković

Bullying Learning difficulties School truancy Children addictions Eating disorders Self-harm Problems of adolescence Emotional development

Currently busy

Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Mgr. Kateryna Chubko

Bullying Learning difficulties School truancy Eating disorders Problems of adolescence Emotional development

Currently busy

Consultation price 50 €

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