Only a satisfied employee without personal problems can perform his work fully and efficiently.

Long-duration and short-duration problems cause incorrect work efficiency.

Employees often pass their dissatisfaction on the whole team and the customers.

No need the personal contact! We can help you effectively online.

You will soon notice the  increased productivity and motivation to work.

Mental problems can affect the whole organism.

The psyche affects immunity. A mentally healthy individual tends to be less ill.Prevent absences from work.

Jste majitelem firmy, která dbá o své zaměstnance, a chcete pro ně to nejlepší? Zároveň si přejete zvýšit efektivitu práce, urovnat napjaté pracovní vztahy a získat lepší firemní úroveň.

Fungující vztahy na pracovišti, spokojení a produktivní zaměstnanci, to je sen každého zaměstnavatele. Bohužel realita je většinou opačná a na pracovišti často vázne komunikace. Zaměstnanci promítají své osobní problémy do svého pracovního nasazení a vnímají práci pouze jako nutné zlo. Podchyťte tyto a jiné problémy již v jejich zárodku.

Toto řešení je velmi pohodlné jak pro vás, tak i pro vaše zaměstnance. Zaměstnanec konzultuje z pohodlí domova, nemusí nikde dojíždět. Konzultace s psychologem probíhá mimo pracovní dobu, díky tomu omezíte absenci zaměstnance v práci.

Online psychological consultation for your employees

Via Skype, Whatsapp, Viber or phone „cam by cam“

Online written consultations by the email and chat

Via Skype, WhatsApp, Viber and email

You can offer consultations to your employees by the form of company benefits

An undeniable competitive advantage

Quantity discounts

According to the number of employees

Gift vouchers, discount coupons

Everything in printed and electronic form with documentation

Administrative portal for companies

You will have an overview of how many consultation was carried out in the exact time. But you will not be able to see who of the employee was in therapy.

Telefonickou podporu zaměstnancům

The calling support for your employees from Monday till Friday (8 a.m. - 8 p.m.)

Consultations in the afternoon and also during the weekends

The psychologist always phones to the employee. The employee has no costs

Anonymous registration

Complete anonymity for employees

Costs under control

Complete transparency, no hidden charges

Possibility of consultation in 15 languages without restrictions

Without restriction, the employee can use these languages:

75 psychologists from different areas of psychology will be available to you

With this, we can theoretically solve any problem

Why is it recommended to have a psychologist in a company?

Each of us spends a lot of time at work, so it is clear that time is better spent where you feel good. Moreover, it turns out that in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, employees can work better. Conversely, when relationships at work are bad and conflict after conflict emerges, work ethic immediately declines.

Did you know that bad workplace relationships can be one of the causes of Burnout syndrome? This manifests itself in excessive distaste, loss of motivation and lack of interest at work...

Workplace bullying: Mobbig and Bossing

Mobbing is a kind of very subtle workplace bullying, with a group of colleagues in the position of an aggressor. Bullying in the workplace does not only have to take place within the ranks of employees, a common occurrence is also psychological terror by a superior, so-called bossing.

Bullying in the workplace causes employee distaste, reduces motivations to work, the employee is missing in all sides.

Conflicts, slander and intrigue

Is not about bullying, but the situation is also quite unpleasant for individual employees. Eternal quarrels, conflicts and intrigues can make a working day very uncomfortable.

Conflicts, defamation and intrigue in the workplace cause employees to be pitted against each other, they are unable to work effectively in a team. Employees are frustrated and don't feel like going to work, are more likely to be sick, take vacations, unpaid leave or incapacitate.

Love realtionships

Love relationships in the workplace, they can really sway the atmosphere. Often the whole situation causes a lot of controversy throughout the collective.

Love relationships in the workplace cause considerable problems. Employees - lovers - are more dedicated to themselves than to their work, they cannot concentrate enough, their absence from the workplace will increase.

Personality issues

Breakup, divorce, depression, problems with children, loss of a loved one... Family, partnership and personal problems reduce employees' work performance. Because only an employee who is satisfied in his personal life can do his job well and effectively.


With the psychological counseling service Mojra I started working actually by accident - I needed to expand the portfolio of psychologists and therapists who would be able and willing to advise our readers in complex life situations, to expertly assess their real-life stories and motivate them to solve their problems best. I came across their website, word got out, and I'm very glad today that the Mojra group came my way. For now, it's just business, and I hope it stays that way. Even if you never know when you might need a psychotherapist. That's especially true these days. However, the collaboration has worked very well for us and I believe it is benefit not only to the readers of, but also for those who are inspired by others and often difficultly find simple solutions in marginal life situations.

Jitka Musilová
editor of Vlasta magazine and website

With psychological counselling we keep in touch from January 2020 and we really preise the communication. They are professionals not only in their field, but also in the processing of articles and materials for our children's online magazine. By very sensitive and readable way they are preparing articles for our magazine on topics that may worry children and parents from Czech and mixed families living abroad. We are really glad that we started to coorporate with them and we beleive that they are a benefit for our little readers and a guide for their parents.

Ivana Kacmaz
Editor-in-chief, vice-chairwoman of the Krajánek association in the world

Časopis program magazín pro Ostravu a Severní Moravu

We start to cooperate with since 2018, not only in the printed magazine Program, but also in the form of articles in the Magazine on our website The readers of our periodical can use advices on the given topic, or click on the website to solve their own problems with experts. We believe that thanks to this cooperation a lot of people will find the way to "their psychologist" without the initial shyness and less time-consuming path.

Ing. Hana Marušáková
editor - in - chief of Program magazine

Časopis program magazín pro Ostravu a Severní Moravu

PhDr. Michaela Miechová: Which problems are too big and which are too small

What our clients say about us

ZDARMA získáte

  • Testovací konzultaci v délce 30 minut
  • Demoverzi k firemnímu a zákaznickému portálu
  • Cenovou nabídku dle počtu zaměstnanců vaší firmy
  • Množstevní slevy
  • Postaráme se o firemní propagaci, informační letáky, pravidelné články, které korespondují s vaší firmou a zaměstnanci, připravíme propagační a informační videa
  • Dodáme veškeré manuály, jak pro zaměstnance, tak pro vedení firmy
  • Pečlivě vám popíšeme a vysvětlíme funkčnost našeho portálu.
  • Celé prostředí je vytvořeno velice intuitivně.
  • Firemní reporty: jaké problémy se u vás ve firmě vyskytují
  • Na základě reportu vám navrhneme vhodná preventivní opatření, individuální přednášky/webináře

Získejte zdarma konzultaci a veškeré testovací údaje k firemnímu portálu

Rozhodli jste se zaregistrovat vaši společnost? Klikněte na tlačítko.

Zaregistrovat společnost

Skype: Poradna-Mojra
Telefon: +420 731 226 690

Firmy, které svěřily své zaměstnance do naší péče

Spolupracujeme již s mnoha firmami, mezi které patří SIEMENS, Webasto a celá korporace skupiny NN. Jsme velice rádi, že se tyto a jiné firmy rozhodly svěřit péči o své zaměstnance právě do našich rukou a velice si toho vážíme. Stejně tak budeme rádi, pokud se budeme moci starat i o vaše zaměstnance. Jak jsme již uvedli na začátku: Jen spokojený zaměstnanec bez osobních problémů může plnohodnotně a efektivně vykonávat svou práci.

„We started cooperation with Mojra in the beginning of 2021 like employee benefits by the form of psychological online counseling. We appreciated their proactive approach of support for employee communication. During it, the information cards were created with QR code indicating how the employees should proceed if they are interested. "

Kateřina Kotoučková
Human Resources
Siemens, s.r.o., o.z. Electric motors Frenštát

“At NN CR we offer for all colleagues online psychological counseling for more than 16 months. From the very beginning, the cooperation with Mojra is very good and professional. We greatly appreciate that everyone can choose in advance their psychologist and form of consultation according to their preference. An undeniable advantage is that online psychological consultation is available to everyone almost immediately. Of course, as an employer, we do not have a detailed overview of who specifically uses the service, but those who have chosen to share their experience with us give only a possitive feedback to us.“

Lenka Mikolášková
Senior HR Specialist
NN Česká republika

„Health and general well-being of our employees is one of our main priorities. We are aware that health means also mental health, which during the pandemic of coronavirus, it means the time of uncertainty, worry, frustration, but also, for example, domestic isolation is gaining in importance, because only a healthy and satisfied employee can show the best performance. That's why we decided to offer to our employees psychological counseling and help them to overcome not only this difficult period.

We chose Mojra psychological counseling for its innovate approach by online platform, which help us from Czech Republic to provide this service through other 16 countries in other 7 languages. Our employees appreciate quantity of provided services from the partner crisis, anxiety to working relationships and career counseling. Counseling can be fully in an anonymized regime, which especially in the beginning, helped, and still helps, our employees to overcome the initial embarrassment and begin to take advantage of this benefit.

Therefore, we thank you for the flexibility, professional approach and top advice that Mojra provides.“

Tomáš Mičuta, MBA
Group Comp&Ben Lead
EUROWAG - W.A.G. payment solutions a.s.

„I would like to provide you the feedback of your work for our company Aptive Services Czech s.r.o.. We chose you and we contacted you, as well as other companies from the whole Czech Republic in the second half of last year. We were looking for a corporate psychologist, but it seemed to me, that we are very demanding costumers. We wanted someone who can accept the requirements of corporation, who respect the process associated with the introduction of a new supplier, we wanted the maturity of invoices in the usual time in our SAP system, we wanted the provider who communicate professionally online, the time flexibility of the provider and finally, someone who will really take care of us in this full of tension period. And we found you, we found Psychological Counseling Center MOJRA s.r.o. and your service, which our company considers above standard. "

Ing. Martina Matějíčková
HR Manager | EOS Coordinator
Aptiv Services Czech s.r.o.
