Is your child perpetually daydreaming? Like they often don‘t even notice you? Cannot concentratelisten or sit still for a long time? Has problems with listening and following instructions at home and at school? Carries one note after another? Is very easy to get distracted by the surrounding noises? Is forgetful and constantly losing things somewhere? Is easily provoked and often provokes others? Rushes headlong into conflicts? Gets excited about something easily, but never follows through? Maybe your child suffers from one of the attention deficit disorders.

ADD is an attention disorder that, unlike ADHD, is not accompanied by hyperactivity. Children are rather dreamy, absent in spirit, closed in their own world. They have a vivid imagination and are always making things up. If they enjoy something, they can completely immerse themselves in it, stay with it for a while, but then run off to other entertainment. At school, these children are not very popular, they have a problem joining the team, because they are not able to pay full attention to their friends. They don't usually have major problems with behavior, but their lack of concentration leads to a decrease in performance during teaching. They probably won't bring you notes home, but there will be countless bad grades.
The exact cause of ADD is not known, but experts believe that it may be a combination of several factors - heredity, complications during pregnancy/birth, poor family environment, etc. A child with ADD has special educational and learning needs, therefore it is very it is important to detect this disorder in time, and mutual cooperation between parents-psychologist-school also plays an important role.

What a psychologist can help you with:

-    Diagnosis of ADD and associated disorders
-    set a fixed daily routine
-    communicate with the child within a positive approach
-    set a suitable regime at school
-    child psychotherapy
-    clarify technical terms
-    learn to work effectively with the child
-    manage one's own uncertainty, feelings and emotions
-    to harmonize relationships in the family
-    and much more…

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Child psychologist


Mgr. Anita Tanušková

Bullying Learning difficulties School truancy Children addictions Self-harm Problems of adolescence Emotional development

The nearest dates: 23.02.2025

Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Mgr. Vítězslav Rázek

Emotional development Cyberbullying Learning difficulties Reduced motivation to learn Early childhood development Separation anxiety

The nearest dates: 26.02.2025

Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Mgr. et Mgr. Veronika Pavlisková

Bullying Autism ADHD ADD Learning difficulties School truancy Children addictions Childhood obesity Eating disorders Self-harm Asperger's syndrome Problems of adolescence Emotional development Cyberbullying Learning difficulties Reduced motivation to learn Early childhood development Separation anxiety Guidance before entering Kindergarten

The nearest dates: 11.03.2025

Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Mgr. Edina Kozmannová

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Currently busy

Consultation price 50 €

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Mgr. Vendula Šild Vojtová

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Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


MA Gordana Mišković

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Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Mgr. Kateryna Chubko

Bullying Learning difficulties School truancy Eating disorders Problems of adolescence Emotional development

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Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Dipl.-Psych. Mgr. Dana Amelie Vokatá

Bullying Children addictions Self-harm Emotional development

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Consultation price 50 €

Child psychologist


Ps Dámaris Sierra Guerra

Bullying School truancy Children addictions Childhood obesity Self-harm Problems of adolescence Emotional development

Currently busy

Consultation price 50 €

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