Relationships with children


Mgr. Anita Tanušková

Child/adolescent education Divorce and its influence on children

The nearest dates: 06.12.2024

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Mgr. Elena Kopchyk

The nearest dates: 09.12.2024

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Mgr. et Mgr. Veronika Pavlisková

Child/adolescent education Divorce and its influence on children Preschool children Younger school age Older school age Adolescents Adults

The nearest dates: 10.12.2024

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Mgr. Martin Ondria

Child/adolescent education Divorce and its influence on children

The nearest dates: 11.12.2024

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Dipl.-Psych. Mgr. Dana Amelie Vokatá

Child/adolescent education Divorce and its influence on children

Currently busy

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Mgr. Wiktoria Fiurášek

Child/adolescent education Divorce and its influence on children

Currently busy

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


M.Sc Ivana Oráčová

Child/adolescent education Divorce and its influence on children

Currently busy

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Mgr. Viktoriia Yufest

Currently busy

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Mgr. Tereza Šmejkalová

Child/adolescent education Divorce and its influence on children

Currently busy

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Ps Dámaris Sierra Guerra

Child/adolescent education

Currently busy

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Mgr. Kateryna Chubko

Child/adolescent education Divorce and its influence on children

Currently busy

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Mgr. Vendula Šild Vojtová

Child/adolescent education

Currently busy

Consultation price 39.99 €

Relationships with children


Mgr. Edina Kozmannová

Child/adolescent education Divorce and its influence on children

Currently busy

Consultation price 39.99 €

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